Monday, June 2, 2008

Voodoo Veves

In Vodou (Voodoo) practice, Veves are intricate symbols of the Loas (gods), and are used in rituals. Each Loa has his or her own complex veve, which is traced on the ground with powdered eggshell or cornmeal prior to a ritual.

The ability to draw a Veve correctly is considered to be the skill of an initiate. A veve is believed to be more powerful if it is drawn with the correct details- the better the detail, the better its power to invoke the Loa.

You can see a gallery of Veves here.

Pronunciation: Vayv or vay-vay • (noun)


1 comment:

Mikeealle angalowines hispotionsto said...

Bonsoir, eye alsow hav a blogg on the nettworke in chipitas,com. thank you so verye mutchs for the informationes! I am leater giving e lecturea on Voodoo or Vodune. Either way is perfectely appropriete... tryi to find myi blogg on and read my sudies... My name is Mikeealle angalowines hispotionsto. I am e directores proffesores in des univercity off Bryn Mawr. The best positiones to be in. I will leave more commentes leter on. I hopes you wille continues youres studies.

-Mikeealle angalowines hispotionsto,
directores proffesores- univercity off Bryn Mawr.