Tuesday, October 16, 2007

RSPK and consciousness - recurrent spontaneous psychokinesis

Journal of Parapsychology, The, Dec, 2001 by William G. Roll, William T. Joines
ABSTRACT: Recurrent spontaneous psychokinesis (RSPK), or poltergeist occurrences, investigated by William G. Roll and 2 recent physical theories with implications for RSPK are reviewed.

Zero-point energy: A major problem for the RSPK researcher has been to identify the source of energy causing the movement of household objects and furniture. This energy is usually focused on objects associated with individuals with whom the agent has a stressful or tense relationship. Hal Puthoff, a physicist (and parapsychologist), is exploring zero-point energy (ZPE), a hypothetical plenum of electromagnetic energy that fills space and interacts with gravitation and inertia. He proposes that the agent causes object movements by cohering the random fluctuations of the ZPE. The agent would not generate the energy for RSPK but manipulate the random fluctuations of the ZPE and thereby reduce the inertia and gravity that ordinarily keeps an object in place. If RSPK uses ZPE, this would be evidence that the vacuum has a consciousness component, according to Puthoff.

Joines has previously suggested that the RSPK process involves psi waves from the agent. Psi waves result in the focusing effects and in the attenuation of RSPK incidents with distance from the agent. The ZPE concept fills in the picture. If psi waves produce a coherent signal directed at a physical object, the process might be attenuated by the random ZPE fluctuations that surround agent and object. The ZPE at the same time would provide the energy for RSPK and result in the reduction of object movements with distance.

In the light of the ZPE theory, Joines analyzed the decline effects in the Miami, Olive Hill, and Tina Resch cases. The data points were fitted to an exponential decay curve and to an inverse distance curve, but the best fit was to a product of the 2 curves. An electromagnetic wave propagating outward from a source is represented by the product of inverse distance and exponential decay. The results are consistent with the theory that the ZPE may be the connection between psi waves and electromagnetic waves.

Observer participancy: In his 1998 work, Physics From Fisher Information: A Unification, Roy Frieden has derived most known physics, including statistical mechanics, thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, and the Einstein field equations, from a new theory that makes the observer part of the measured phenomenon. According to Frieden, "The 'request' for data creates the law that, ultimately, gives rise to the data. The observer creates his or her local reality" (p. i). The theory is an outgrowth of the work by British statistician A. R. Fisher.

Frieden focuses on 2 types of information: information obtained by observing nature (designated by I) and information that nature is yet to reveal (designated by J). The purpose of scientific observation is to reduce the difference between I and J. Frieden's approach asserts that "the meaning of the acquired data to the observer" affects the observation; results are thereby "knowledge based" as well as physical. Bringing in acquired knowledge brings in the individuals imparting the knowledge to the observer. In addition to cognitive knowledge (expressed by physical equations), knowledge has an emotional aspect that infuses observation with energy. The emotional--energetic component of objects may show itself when emotionally charged objects are affected as in RSPK. RSPK, along with other psi phenomena, may reveal the J information that is concealed in the physical environment. Frieden sets out to provide a unified theory of physics that turns out to also be a theory of psi.

COPYRIGHT 2001 Parapsychology Press
COPYRIGHT 2002 Gale Group

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I must digg your article so other people are able to see it, really helpful, I had a hard time finding the results searching on the web, thanks.

- Murk